original VSA modulator-control unit See: Brakes and Traction Control/Antilock Brakes / Traction Control Systems/Traction Control
Module/Service and Repair. If any other DTCs are indicated, go to the indicated DTCs troubleshooting.?
SWS DTC Troubleshooting: 13-3x
DTC 13-3x ("x" can be 0 thru 9 or A thru F):
Faulty Inner Side Front Passenger's Weight Sensor Circuit
NOTE: Only read DTCs from the SRS menu, not from SWS menus unless instructed to check SWS DTCs. SWS (ODS unit) DTCs are subcodes of
SRS unit DTCs. Only troubleshoot the corresponding SRS DTCs. Also these SWS DTCs are cleared by turning the ignition switch to LOCK(0).
Do the troubleshooting for SRS unit DTC 82-13 See: 82-13.
Adaptive Cruise Control
Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) DTC Troubleshooting: 14
DTC 14:
Right Front Wheel Speed Sensor Signal Error
NOTE: If DTC 112 is stored at the same time as DTC 14, troubleshoot DTC 112 first, then recheck for DTC 14.
1. Check for VSA system DTCs with the HDS.
Are any DTCs indicated?
Troubleshoot the indicated VSA system DTC(s).?
NO -
Go to step 2.
2. Clear the DTCs with the HDS.
3. Test-drive the vehicle at 25 mph (40 km/h) or more with the adaptive cruise control (ACC) activated.
4. Check for DTCs with the HDS.
Is DTC 14 indicated?
Go to step 5.
NO -
Intermittent failure, the system is OK at this time.?
5. Check for VSA system DTCs with the HDS.
Are any DTCs indicated?
Troubleshoot the indicated VSA system DTC(s).?
NO -
Go to step 6.
6. Test-drive the vehicle, and check the right front wheel speed signal (RF WHEEL SPD) with the HDS.
Is there 0 mph (0 km/h)?