Is there continuity?
Go to step 14.
NO -
Repair an open in the wire between the appropriate vertical acceleration sensor and the active damper control unit.?
14. Reconnect active damper control unit connector B (14P).
15. Start the engine, and wait 5 seconds.
16. Measure the voltage between body ground and appropriate vertical acceleration sensor 3P connector terminal No. 1.
Is there about 5 V?
Replace the appropriate vertical acceleration sensor See: Sensors and Switches/Sensors and Switches - Steering and Suspension/Sensors and
Switches - Suspension/Acceleration Sensor/Service and Repair.?
NO -
Replace the active damper control unit See: Relays and Modules/Relays and Modules - Steering and Suspension/Relays and Modules -
Suspension/Suspension Control Module/Service and Repair.?
Active Damper System DTC Troubleshooting: 1-7, 1-8, 1-9