3. Watch the ACC indicator and CMBS indicator.
Do both indicators come on?
Go to step 4.
NO -
Intermittent failure, the system is OK at this time.?
4. Check for DTCs with the HDS.
Is DTC 63 indicated?
Go to step 5.
NO -
Troubleshoot the indicated DTC(s). If there are no DTCs, the system is OK at this time.?
5. Remove the front grille See: Body and Frame/Grille/Service and Repair/Front Grille Replacement.
6. Check the installation of the millimeter wave radar and the main bracket.
Is the installation OK?
Go to step 7.
NO -
Reinstall or replace the part that has a problem, then go to step 7.
7. Aim the millimeter wave radar See: Accessories and Optional Equipment/Collision Avoidance and Parking Assist Systems/Distance
8. Test-drive the vehicle at 25 mph (40 km/h) or more, and press the MAIN switch ON.
9. With the ACC activated, test-drive the vehicle on a straight road at 25 mph (40 km/h) or more for 5 minutes or more.
10. Watch the ACC indicator and CMBS indicator.
Do both indicators come on?
Go to step 11.
NO -
The system is OK at this time.?
11. Check for DTCs with the HDS.
Is DTC 63 indicated?
Check for loose or poor connections. If OK, replace the millimeter wave radar See: Accessories and Optional Equipment/Collision Avoidance and
Parking Assist Systems/Distance Sensor/Service and Repair. After replacement, aim the millimeter wave radar See: Accessories and Optional
Equipment/Collision Avoidance and Parking Assist Systems/Distance Sensor/Adjustments.?
NO -
Troubleshoot the indicated DTC(s). If there are no DTCs, the system is OK at this time.?