Sunday, September 6, 2020

2010 Acura Truck MDX V6-3.7L Page 111

NO -

Intermittent failure, check for loose wires or poor connections in the mode control motor circuit.?

5. Turn the ignition switch to LOCK (0).

6. Test the front mode control motor See: Heating and Air Conditioning/Testing and Inspection/Component Tests and General

Diagnostics/Front Mode Control Motor Test.

Is the front mode control motor OK?


Go to step 7.

NO -

Replace the front mode control motor See: Heating and Air Conditioning/Air Door/Air Door Actuator / Motor/Service and Repair/Front Mode

Control Motor Replacement, or repair the front mode control linkage or doors.?

7. Disconnect the front mode control motor 7P connector.

8. Disconnect climate control unit connector A (40P).

9. Check for continuity between the following terminals of climate control unit connector A (40P) and the front mode control motor 7P


Is there continuity?


Go to step 10.

NO -

Repair an open in the wire(s) between the climate control unit and the front mode control motor.?

10. Check for continuity between body ground and climate control unit connector A (40P) terminals No. 16 and No. 17 individually.