- TPMS control unit 20P connector See: Instrument Panel, Gauges and Warning Indicators/Tire Monitoring System/Tire Pressure
Module/Service and Repair.
- AcuraLink control unit connector A (32P) (USA model with AcuraLink) See: Accessories and Optional Equipment/Radio, Stereo, and
Compact Disc/Service and Repair/AcuraLink Control Unit (XM Receiver) Removal/Installation.
14. Measure the resistance between E-pretensioner unit connector B (14P) terminals No. 3 and No. 5. There should be an open circuit or at least
1 MOhms.
Is the resistance as specified?
Go to step 15.
NO -
Short to another wire in the right engine compartment wire harness or the dashboard wire harness or the floor wire harness; repair the faulty
harness, then clear the DTC.?
15. Measure the resistance between body ground and E-pretensioner unit connector B (14P) terminals No. 3 and No. 5 individually. There should
be an open circuit or at least 1 MOhms.
Is the resistance as specified?
Replace the E-pretensioner unit See: Restraints and Safety Systems/Seat Belt Systems/Seat Belt Tensioner/Service and Repair/Removal and
Replacement, then clear the DTC.?
NO -
Short to ground in the right engine compartment wire harness or the dashboard wire harness or the floor wire harness; repair the faulty harness, then
clear the DTC.?
SRS DTC Troubleshooting: 76-33, 76-34
DTC 76-33:
Faulty F-CAN Communication or Internal Failure of the E-Pretensioner Unit (PGM-FI System)
DTC 76-34:
Faulty F-CAN Communication or Internal Failure of the E-Pretensioner Unit (A/T System)