Is DTC B2176 indicated?
Go to step 5.
NO -
Intermittent failure, the system is OK at this time. Check for loose or poor connections.?
5. Open and close the driver's power window by using the power window master switch manually.
Does the power window motor operate?
Go to step 6.
NO -
Do the driver's power window motor test See: Windows and Glass/Windows/Power Window Motor/Testing and Inspection/Driver's Power
Window Motor Test.?
6. Select the POWER WINDOWS from the BODY ELECTRICAL SYSTEM SELECT menu and enter the DATA LIST.
7. Check the DETECT/NONE information of the Driver's window motor B-phase pulse signal in the DATA LIST.
Does the information indicator display DETECT while the power window is moving, and display NONE when the power window is stopped?
Replace the driver's MPCS unit.?
NO -
Go to step 8.
8. Check for DTCs with the HDS.
Is DTC B2175 also indicated?
Go to step 15.
NO -
Go to step 9.
9. Turn the ignition switch to LOCK (0).
10. Disconnect driver's MPCS unit connector B (14P).
11. Disconnect the 6P connector from the driver's power window motor.
12. Check for continuity between driver's MPCS unit connector B (14P) terminal No. 4 and driver's power window motor 6P connector