Is there voltage?
Repair a short to power in the wire between the gauge control module and the battery sensor.?
NO -
Go to step 10.
10. Check for continuity between battery sensor 2P connector terminal No. 1 and body ground.
Is there continuity?
Repair a short to ground in the wire between the battery sensor and the gauge control module.?
NO -
Go to step 11.
11. Check for continuity between battery sensor 2P connector terminal No. 1 and gauge control module connector B (24P) terminal No. 7.
Is there continuity?
Substitute a known-good battery sensor, and recheck. If the DTC returns, replace the gauge control module See: Instrument Panel, Gauges and
Warning Indicators/Instrument Cluster / Carrier/Service and Repair.?
NO -
Repair an open in the wire between the battery sensor and the gauge control module.?